Using ISR with wrapping

Hello! I am having problems with compiling the assembler wrapping file for context switching ISR. I am using IAR and an SAM7 evaluation board. I am getting following compiler error: Error[67]: Public ‘vLIS3L_ISREntry’ did not appear in label field My wrapping code looks as follows:         RSEG ICODE:CODE         CODE32         EXTERN vLIS3L_ISR         PUBLIC vLIS3L_ISREntry #include "ISR_Support.h" vSerialISREntry:     portSAVE_CONTEXT                bl    vLIS3L_ISR                    portRESTORE_CONTEXT                    END Any suggestions what might cause this error?? Regards

Using ISR with wrapping

The error means that you are decalring a public function – vLIS3L_ISREntry – but the function does not have an entry point within the asm code. You are still using vSerialISREntry as the label for the entry point. Replace the line "vSerialISREntry:" with "vLIS3L_ISREntry:"