
hello, i wrote acode in version 4.5.0 and i need to change this code to newer version. what i need to do,that the old code will run in the new version ?


Hmm.  This is the problem with not being able to link directly to pages.  What you have to do is: 1) Go to the home page so you see the menu frame on the left. 2) In the menu frame click directly on "API Reference" 3) In the main frame you will see a list of sub-topics, one of which is "Upgrading to V5.x.x". Regards.


hello, i’m not usin this calls anyway and it still not running. this is the error’s that the compiler tells me : main.c(445): Warning! W131: No prototype found for function ‘flushall’ wlink name rtosdemo d dwarf SYS dos op m op maxe=25 op q op symf @rtosdemo.lk1 Error! E2028: vMainQueueSendPassed_ is an undefined reference file queue.obj(C:Documents and Settingsyoni_talDesktopFreeRTOSsourcequeue.c): undefined symbol vMainQueueSendPassed_ Error(E42): Last command making (C:Documents and Settingsyoni_talDesktopFreeRTOSDemoPCrtosdemo.exe) returned a bad status Error(E02): Make execution terminated Execution complete thanks yoni


This is just a linker error about an undefined function – vMainQueueSendPassed is not a FreeRTOS API function so must be part of your application. Regards.