FreeRTOS and PIC32 need PBCLK to be 12mhz.

Using FreeRTOS on a custom PIC32 based board.   Literally, just been running for a day! :)   I am a newb to both PIC32 and FreeRTOS, so please be gentle.   I need the UART to communicate with a device that is running a baud rate of 58,252.   Yes, weird!   Anyway, to get this baud rate, I need a PBCLK of 12mhz.   I cannot seem to find where in FreeRTOS it sets PBCLK.   Probably me :(    Anyway, I set configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ to 12000000UL thinking this would do it.  I dont think it is right, because I have a LED flashing task which flashes the led every second.   when I change configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ from 40mhz to 12mhz, my led blinks a lot faster (too fast).   I am not sure where to look for the correct way to do this.   I bought the ebook “Using the FreeRTOS Real Time Kernel – A Practical Guide”, but it does not address this at all. thanks!

FreeRTOS and PIC32 need PBCLK to be 12mhz.

You need to look at the C32 libraries (that come with the compiler, not with FreeRTOS.  In main.c you will see a function called prvSetupHardware() that makes a call to the (Microchip) library functions     SYSTEMConfigPerformance( configCPU_CLOCK_HZ – 1 ) and mOSCSetPBDIV( OSC_PB_DIV_2 );  You then need to set the configPERIPHERAL_CLOCK_HZ setting in FreeRTOSConfig.h to match whatever you set the clock to using these library functions. Regards.

FreeRTOS and PIC32 need PBCLK to be 12mhz.

Thanks!   That helped a lot.   Continuing on! :)