FreeRTOS on the Zynq

Hello, I have tried the demo “FreeRTOS port Zynq” i have succeded. But i didn’t understand how booting the kernel image by following the demo steps ? Integrating file sources on SDK deosn’t mean booting kernel ? Thanks

FreeRTOS on the Zynq

As I recall the example is loaded directly into RAM using the JTAG, so if you turn the board off and then on again the program will have been wiped from RAM. If you want the board to boot from cold into the application then you will need some kind of loader. I’m sure Xilinx will have some documentation on how this can be done, either from an SD card, or any other non volatile memory available on your hardware. Regards.

FreeRTOS on the Zynq

Thanks. But to use e non volatile memory (which we call a maste boot mode) i need a kernel image of FreeRTOS. FreeRTOS doesn’t provide an image for the Zynq ? Regards

FreeRTOS on the Zynq

FreeRTOS is statically linked – so the image includes both the kernel and your application. There is no separate kernel image, just like the image you download to RAM via JTAG the binary includes both. Regards.

FreeRTOS on the Zynq

Thanks a lot

FreeRTOS on the Zynq

Under the Xilinx Tools menu there is a Create Boot Image option. Does that do what you want?

FreeRTOS on the Zynq

No because by creating boot Image SDK generate a .bin wich include fsbl and u-boot if it exists. What i want to try is booting an image of FreeRTOS using for example SD card or QSPI Flash. But i think it is not possible