toolchain missing error with rx62n rdk FreeRTOS demo project

Hi, While tring RTOSDemo.hws demo project in the FreeRTOS/Demo/RX600RX62N-RDKRenesa directory. I am getting toolchain ‘Renesas RX standard toolchain’ version missing . Is it complete project or i have to add something in this project for above warning?

toolchain missing error with rx62n rdk FreeRTOS demo project

It is a complete project (we only provide complete pre-configured projects). I suspect it was created with a tool version somewhat older than the current tool version, and the project file is trying to reference the older tool chain. I think the IDE may have an option for selecting the toolchain to use.

toolchain missing error with rx62n rdk FreeRTOS demo project

Can you please let me know which rx toolchain version is being used to create this project?

toolchain missing error with rx62n rdk FreeRTOS demo project

From your original post I would guess it was

toolchain missing error with rx62n rdk FreeRTOS demo project

I changed the rx toolchain to and i am able to build the project . Thanks for your support.