CORTEX_STM32F107_GCC_Rowley ??

Hi Folks… Anybody have this project up and running in Cross Studio 2 ?? best reg

CORTEX_STM32F107_GCC_Rowley ??

Are you having an issue with it? I would have thought it would just open in V2. If you are having an issue, what is it?

CORTEX_STM32F107_GCC_Rowley ??

I have just compiled the from FreeRTOS v6.02 without problems. The software runs in the target board, but it seems that the web-server doesn’t work at all.
The board doesn’t responds to the pings too. Adrien.

CORTEX_STM32F107_GCC_Rowley ??

Hi there… I downloaded the files, i Compiled them and that works fine. (i use CrossStudio 2.0) I CAN’T download to target, with the JTAG. If you check the target processor, you will se, that the target is ‘103….. you can’t select ‘107 I did change the RTOSDemo.hzp, to use the STM32 target instead of the ST_STM32F10x taget files.
With some changes to the startup file, i got the project in a “compilable” and “downloadable” state….  with the ‘107 as target…. but…. when i start the app. it crashes…
i traced the problem to when the  “void vTaskStartScheduler( void )” starts.
im not into the details, but it seems that the xTaskCreate macro shomehow f***s up…. im not much into the ASM of the ARM, so it’s not easy for mee to see what goes wrong…. hope the helps…. best reg

CORTEX_STM32F107_GCC_Rowley ??

I was using CrossStudio 2.0.4.
I am sorry not to be able to help more. My cross studio licence has just expired …
I have also seen, that this project has the wrong target by default (I didn’t change it). I don’t use this project any more because I find it not stable enough for my needs. Regards, Adrien.