Question regarding heap2 in freertos

Hi, I wonder if any one knows the answer regarding the heap2 use. My project is based on the demo from freertos. It is using heap2 and has defined the heap size 24000 as below. #define configTOTAL_HEAP_SIZE     ( ( size_t ) ( 24000 ) ) However, after compiling and link, I looked at file and found the heap2.0 has allocate ZI RAM by 24004 that is exceeding its defined.       Code (inc. data)   RO Data    RW Data    ZI Data      Debug   Object Name
       568         78          0         24       7460       5153   emac.o
      1076         96          4          0          0       6743   flash_packet.o
       228         42          0          0          0       4188   flash_uart.o
     *  220         14          0         20                   24004       3339   heap_2.o Why there is different between the definition and actually allocating? If this is a problem, how can I fix it? Thanks,

Question regarding heap2 in freertos

I have no idea why that would be, but would guess it was simply something to do with memory alignment padding. Regards.