Generate Interrupt and Interrupt Handler MSVC

Hi Guys, Sorry for my first newbie knowledge of freertos. I’m tryng to generate an interrupt to call an handler function. On the practical guide i’ve read this statements: _asm{} //to generate interrupt static void _interrupt _ far handlerfunc(void) {} //to define handler func dossetvect{} //to install the handler func but i think that they’re for another architecture, is there a guide for make this on MSVC?maybe an example. Thank you 🙂

Generate Interrupt and Interrupt Handler MSVC

As the simulator is running under Windows, and not actually simulating any hardware, it is not possible to generate real interrupts. However you can generate simulated interrupts. See the following link: Regards.

Generate Interrupt and Interrupt Handler MSVC

Yeah!i was written how i resolved, if someone needs help: vPortGenerateSimulatedInterrupt( portINTERRUPT_YIELD2 );//generate interrupt static uint32_t handlerfunc(void){}//interrupt handler (NOT UNSIGNED LONG) vPortSetInterruptHandler( portINTERRUPT_YIELD2, handlerfunc );//install interrupt and in the portmacro.h, #define portINTERRUPT_YIELD2 (2UL)/*or another value*/ Thank you 🙂 !!!!