[Atmega32] second tick hangs on a task with the same priority as others

I’m a beginner at FreeRTOS, I’ve wrote a simple application that turn on and off between two leds (each task turns a led on and turn off the other). The problem is i’ve wrote the two tasks but the schedular puts a task in running and switch to the other and stops at this task without switching again. Maybe i’ve missunderstood how it works. So please help would be appreciated. This is the code i’ve written ~~~~

define F_CPU 8000000UL

include <avr/io.h>

include “freertos/FreeRTOS.h”

include “freertos/task.h”

include “freertos/FreeRTOSConfig.h”

void taskone(void *pvParameters); void tasktwo(void *pvParameters); int main(void) { DDRC = 0xff; xTaskCreate(taskone, NULL, 50, NULL, 1, NULL); xTaskCreate(tasktwo, NULL, 50, NULL, 1, NULL); vTaskStartScheduler(); return 0; } void task_one(void *pvParameters) { while(1) { PORTC = 0x0f; } } void task_two(void *pvParameters) { while(1) { PORTC = 0xf0;
} ~~~~

[Atmega32] second tick hangs on a task with the same priority as others

Do you know the task is still running ok and not just crashed? What code is executing when you pause the debugger? Does the xTickCount variable in tasks.c increment still?

[Atmega32] second tick hangs on a task with the same priority as others

Can you tell me how to check this, please ? I’m trying to access xTickCount via xTaskGetCount(), But don’t know how to check it. Tried printing it on LCD but nothing’s showing up. (LCD is working and code its tested).

[Atmega32] second tick hangs on a task with the same priority as others

How do you know the code is running still?

[Atmega32] second tick hangs on a task with the same priority as others

I’ve tried converting xTaskGetCount() to string and print it on LCD. Here’s what I got: 1. xTickCount starts at 0 -> Tasktwo fires. xTickCount becomes 1 -> Taskone fires. xTickCount stops counting afterwards ! 2. When I put xTaskDelay(1) inside the two tasks. xTickCount increments normally beyond 1 but still it hangs on one task without switching back and fourth.