Importing the demo of freeRTOS to Eclipse, and build.. “no such instruction: `swi 0′”

Hello. I tried importing the demo of freeRTOS to Eclipse, and built as describing in following pase. But following error appeared.
cc686g4b.s:220: Error: no such instruction: `swi 0′
How can I solve this problem? Using compiler is MinGW. Eclipse is Ver.MARS.1 (4.5.1)

Importing the demo of freeRTOS to Eclipse, and build.. “no such instruction: `swi 0′”

swi 0 is an ARM instruction, MinGW is an x86 compiler. What did you intend to build, and ARM or x86 project?

Importing the demo of freeRTOS to Eclipse, and build.. “no such instruction: `swi 0′”

Thanks for reply. I didn’t know that I have to use ARM compiler. I refer to this site: