FreeRTOS and g++

Is there any chance to compile an FreeRTOS application using g++ compiler? I have an application and tried to compile it with g++ but some errors came out: main.c:438: error: ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘__vector_1’ with no type line 438: SIG_INTERRUPT0(void) {          pulse++;          PORTA = ~0x80;          reti(); } main.c:161: error: invalid conversion from ‘void (*)()’ to ‘void (*)(void*)’ main.c:161: error:   initializing argument 1 of ‘signed char xTaskCreate(void (*)(void*), const signed char*, unsigned int, void*, unsigned char, void**)’ line 161: xTaskCreate ( control_velocity, (const signed char*) "Vel", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, 2, NULL ); And others similars errors. Can anyone figure something out? I’d love to use g++ compiler because I’m gonna use an C++ written middle ware "Cosmic"  along with FreeRTOS. Thanks, Breno

FreeRTOS and g++

There have been a couple of other threads in the last few days regarding the use of C++.  I think they will provide good info for you. Regards.