Suggested FreeRTOS code change

Hi Richard, While debugging the TI CCS4 Cortex-LM4F port, I noticed 2 things: 1.  There is no string, identifier or function call for the FreeRTOS version.  Seems like this would be a useful thing to have.
2.  The vTaskList routine doesn’t accommodate task names of varying lengths.  I fixed this in my local version of task.c by modifying the ‘prvListTaskWithinSingleList’ function as below.  Would be nice if this were in the released version of FreeRTOS.  NOTE:  Similar change in the function ‘prvGenerateRunTimeStatsForTasksInList’.
    /* Copy task name to the output string */
    sprintf( pcStatusString, ( char *) "%%-%us", configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN);
    sprintf( &pcStatusString[10], pcStatusString, pxNextTCB->pcTaskName);
    strcat( (char *) pcWriteBuffer, (char *) &pcStatusString[10]);

    /* Copy remaining items to output string */
    sprintf( pcStatusString, ( char * ) "tt%ct%ut%ut%urn", cStatus, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->uxPriority, usStackRemaining, ( unsigned int ) pxNextTCB->uxTCBNumber );
    strcat( ( char * ) pcWriteBuffer, ( char * ) pcStatusString );

Suggested FreeRTOS code change

In tasks.h is the define: #define tskKERNEL_VERSION_NUMBER “V7.1.0”