FreeRTOS on a ZYNQ board

Hi I am working with an AMP configuration on a Zynq ZC702 board, based on the FreeRTOS-Linux AMP demo provided by Xilinx ( I customized the demo, in order to work with the FPGA fabric. I already use a couple of switches and leds, and the idea now is to configure the axi_timer IP on XPS, which already works, but i haven’t been successful on the configuration on SDK for my FreeRTOS application (Because the interrupt is never acknowledged) The timer is configured in FreeRTOS, and if I check the registers associated to the timer, I see that the interrupt is generated (a bit sets to 1), but somehow FreeRTOS doesnt recognize the interrupt… I will post the code parts related to this topic.. maybe any of you find what am I missing. Thank you in advance. /* ————————————————- */ AXI Timer Configuration: void prvSetAXITimer( void )
/* Initialize the AXI GPIO driver.*/
/*AXI GPIO configuration*/
xStatus = XTmrCtr_Initialize(&TimerInstancePtr,XPAR_AXI_TIMER_0_DEVICE_ID);
if(XST_SUCCESS != xStatus)
xputs(”TIMER INIT FAILED \n\r”); XTmrCtr_SetHandler(&TimerInstancePtr,axi_timer_handler,&TimerInstancePtr);
/* ————————————————- */ Interrupt Handler void axi_timer_handler(void *data)
InterruptFlag = 1;
} /* ————————————————- */ Setup IRQs by using the following function: setupIRQhandler(91, &axi_timer_handler, NULL); /* ————————————————- */ The function setupIRQhandler in the port.c file is: #define XScuGic_ClearPending(DistBaseAddress, Int_Id) \
XScuGic_WriteReg((DistBaseAddress), \
XSCUGIC_PENDING_CLR_OFFSET + ((Int_Id / 32) * 4), \
(1 << (Int_Id % 32))) void setupIRQhandler(int int_no, void *fce, void *param)
int Status; clearIRQhandler(int_no); Status = XScuGic_Connect(&InterruptController, int_no,
    (Xil_ExceptionHandler)fce, param);
if (Status != XST_SUCCESS) {
XScuGic_ClearPending(&InterruptController, int_no);
XScuGic_Enable(&InterruptController, int_no);

FreeRTOS on a ZYNQ board

Although this may change shortly, currently the Zynq port is provided by a third party and I don’t have access to Zynq hardware so I’m afraid I cannot provide any suggestions. Regards.