MCF5282 with FreeRTOS with uip

Hi all, I’m new to the world of FreeRTOS.  We are developping on the MCF5282 using CodeWarrior compiler.  We need TCP/IP and SNMP functionnalities for our project.  FreeRTOS and the open lwip are a good choice but I’m having a hard time figuring how to port the recent MCF5222port for CodeWarrior.  Any guidelines I should know ? Plus, is there any donumentation for lwip?? Thanks Francois 

MCF5282 with FreeRTOS with uip

There is a 52221 CodeWarrior port in the download – did you see that?  Not with lwIP yet though. I am currently working on a 52223/Eclipse/uIP demo too.  There are other Ethernet demos already up and running but I’m unable to release them just yet. Regards.

MCF5282 with FreeRTOS with uip

Hi M. Barry, I meant 52221 / CodeWarrior not 5222.  Yes I’ve seen that new port, and its a perfect starting point for our 5282 based project.  Now I got to replace the project’s startup files with ours one by one, and build all between them to assure it works.  Good way to proceed? Thanks Francois