how to add an ISR in Rowley for LPC2368.

sorry but i am a newbie to freertos.
i am using rowley with lpc268. i managed to run my hello world task (led flash).
now i would like to add an interrupt on UART0 receveir. how do u define interreupts in freertos ? (i know how to setup registers for UART0, but how to define isr routine and context switching, etc..)
any documentation for that?

how to add an ISR in Rowley for LPC2368.

Rowley for ARM just uses the standard GCC ARM7 port. Look at the Interrupt Service Routines section of this page I think it is a bit out of date though. The very latest versions of GCC can try and inline the C function call. To avoid this simply call the C function from asm instead. So in the example on the linked page, replace the C function call to vASwitchCompatibleISR_Handler(); with __asm volatile ( “bl vASwitchCompatibleISR_Handler” );