port.c from –Atmel-IAR-AtmelSAM9XE

I’m trying to clone the port.c from the AtmelSAM9XE folder as the basis for a SAM9260 system, but built with an older (4.20) IAR compiler.
I look at the prvSetupTimerInterrupt() code which uses the AIC_ConfigureIT() function to link the PIT interrupt to its handler.  The handler is specified as vPortTickISR().  The comments in ISR code says it is called by a wrapper, but it sure doesn’t look like that is how the AIC is set up.  And I can’t find a tick wrapper .s79 source file anywhere.
Can anyone please clarify – is this really correct?
Thank you.

port.c from –Atmel-IAR-AtmelSAM9XE

IAR V5 using .s as the file extension, look for a file with .s rather that .s79.

port.c from –Atmel-IAR-AtmelSAM9XE

Thank you – I did find the vectors and front end code which calls the C handler between the context save and restore.  It makes sense with that code.  I appreciate your help.