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File Related Command Line Interface
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP and FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Examples

The UDP command line interface example includes commands that allow files to be viewed, accessed and manipulated, as described in the table below.

The commands are implemented in /FreeRTOS-Plus/Demo/Common/FreeRTOS_Plus_CLI_Demos/File-releated-CLI-commands.c.

Command Description
dir View a directory listing
cd <path> Change the current working directory (CWD) to <path>
del <file> Delete <file>
rmdir <path> Remove the directory <path> - the directory must be empty
type <file> Display the contents of <file>.
copy <src> <dest> Copy the file <src> to the file <dest>
pwd Print the working directory

Accessing the embedded FAT file system through the command line interface
Accessing the file system through the command line interface

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