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[FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Standard API Reference]

int ff_feof( FF_FILE *pxStream );

Queries an open file in the embedded FAT file system to see if the file's read/write pointer is at the end of the file.


pxStream   The file being queried. The file must have first been opened using a call to ff_fopen().

If the file's read/write pointer is at the end of the file then a non-zero value is returned.

If the file's read/write pointer is not at the end of the file, and no errors occur, then zero is returned and the task's errno is also set to zero.

If an error prevents the function from determining the position of the file's read/write pointer then zero is returned and the task's errno is set to indicate the reason.

A task can obtain its errno value using the stdioGET_ERRNO API function.

Example usage:

void vSampleFunction( char *pcFileName, char *pcBuffer, int32_t lBufferSize )
FF_FILE *pxFile;
int32_t lBytesRead;
int iReturnedByte;

/* Open the file specified by the pcFileName parameter. */
pxFile = ff_fopen( pcFileName, "r" );

/* Read the number of bytes specified by the lBufferSize parameter. */
for( lBytesRead = 0; lBytesRead < lBufferSize; lBytesRead++ )
if( ff_feof( pxFile ) != 0 )
/* The end of the file has been reached, there are no more bytes to
read. */

iReturnedByte = ff_fgetc( pxFile );

/* Write the byte into the buffer. */
pcBuffer[ lBytesRead ] = ( char ) iReturnedByte;

/* Finished with the file. */
ff_fclose( pxFile );

Example use of the ff_feof() API function

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