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[FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Standard API Reference]

char *ff_fgets( char *pcBuffer, size_t xCount, FF_FILE *pxStream );

Reads a string from a file by reading bytes from pxStream into pcBuffer until either (xCount - 1) bytes have been read, or a newline ('n') character has been read into to pcBuffer.

Carriage return characters ('r') are not treated in any special way, and are copied into pcBuffer.

The string copied into pcBuffer is NULL terminated before ff_fgets() returns.


pcBuffer   A pointer to the buffer into which characters read from the file will be placed. The buffer must be at least big enough to hold xCount bytes.

xCount   Bytes will be read from the file until either a newline character has been received, or (xCount - 1) bytes have been read.

pxStream   A pointer to the file from which the data is being read. This is the same pointer that was returned from the call to ff_fopen() used to originally open the file.


On success a pointer to pcBuffer is returned. If there is a read error then NULL is returned and the task's errno is set to indicate the reason. A task can obtain its errno value using the stdioGET_ERRNO() API function.

Example usage:

static void prvTest_ff_fgets_ff_printf( const char *pcMountPath )
FF_FILE *pxFile;
int iString;
const int iMaxStrings = 1000;
char pcReadString[ 20 ], pcExpectedString[ 20 ], *pcReturned;
const char *pcMaximumStringLength = "Test string 999n";

/* Open a file for reading and writing. */
pxFile = ff_fopen( "/nand/myfile.txt", "w+" );

/* Use ff_fprintf() to write some strings to the file. The strings are
generated as "Test string nnnn", where nnn is the loop counter. */

for( iString = 0; iString < iMaxStrings; iString++ )
/* Call ff_fprintf() to write the formatted string to the file. Note
the n character on the end of the string. */

ff_fprintf( pxFile, "Test string %dn", iString );

/* Move back to the start of the file. */
ff_rewind( pxFile );

/* This time use the ff_fgets() string to read back each string at a time,
then compare it against the expected string. The strings were written with
a newline character at their end, so ff_fgets() will read up to and
including the newline. */

for( iString = 0; iString < iMaxStrings; iString++ )
/* Read back the next string. */
pcReturned = ff_fgets( pcReadString, sizeof( pcReadString ), pxFile );

if( pcReturned != pcReadString )
/* Error! */
/* Generate the string that is expected to have been read back. */
sprintf( pcExpectedString, "Test string %dn", iString );

/* Compare the string that was expected to be returned against the
string that was returned. */

if( strcmp( pcExpectedString, pcReadString ) == 0 )
/* The strings matched, as expected. */
/* Error - the strings didn't match. */

ff_fclose( pxFile );

Example use of the ff_fgets() API function
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