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[FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP API Reference]

SocketSet_t FreeRTOS_CreateSocketSet( void );

Create a socket set for use with the FreeRTOS_select() function. ipconfigSUPPORT_SELECT_FUNCTION must be set to 1 in FreeRTOSIPConfig.h for FreeRTOS_CreateSocketSet() to be available.

Socket Sets allow an application RTOS task to block on multiple sockets simultaneously.

To use a socket set:

  1. Create a socket set by calling FreeRTOS_CreateSocketSet(). A socket set is equivalent to the Berkeley sockets fd_set type.

  2. Add one or more sockets to the set using calls to FreeRTOS_FD_SET(). FreeRTOS_FD_SET() is equivalent to the Berkeley sockets FD_SET() macro.

  3. Call FreeRTOS_Select() to test the sockets in the set to see if any of the sockets have an event pending.

  4. If FreeRTOS_select() returns a non-zero value then check all sockets in the set using a call to FreeRTOS_FD_ISSET() to determine which events are pending.

The FreeRTOS_FD_CLR() API function is used to remove a socket from a socket set.


If the socket set was created then a handle to the created socket set is returned. If the socket set was not created (because there was insufficient FreeRTOS heap memory available) then NULL is returned.

Example usage:

See the example on the FreeRTOS_select() documentation page.

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