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Outputting TCP Log Messages via UDP
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP and FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Examples

FreeRTOS_debug_printf() and FreeRTOS_printf() are used to output log messages from within the FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP TCP/IP stack, and can be used by the application writer for the same purpose. The UDP logging example demonstrates how to send FreeRTOS_debug_printf() and FreeRTOS_printf() output to a UDP port.

The following settings in FreeRTOSConfig.h configure the UDP logging functionality.

/* If set to 1 then each message sent via the UDP logging facility will end with rn. If set to 0 then each message sent via the UDP logging facility will end with n. */
#define configUDP_LOGGING_NEEDS_CR_LF ( 1 )

/* Sets the maximum length for a string sent via the UDP logging facility. */
#define configUDP_LOGGING_STRING_LENGTH ( 200 )

/* The UDP logging facility buffers messages until the UDP logging task is able to transmit them. configUDP_LOGGING_MAX_MESSAGES_IN_BUFFER sets the maximum number of messages that can be buffered at any one time. */

/* The UDP logging facility creates a task to send buffered messages to the UDP port. configUDP_LOGGING_TASK_STACK_SIZE sets the task's stack size. */
#define configUDP_LOGGING_TASK_STACK_SIZE ( 512 )

/* The UDP logging facility creates a task to send buffered messages to the UDP port. configUDP_LOGGING_TASK_PRIORITY sets the task's priority. It is suggested to give the task a low priority to ensure it does not adversely effect the performance of other TCP/IP stack activity. */
/* The UDP port numbers to use. */
#define configUDP_LOGGING_PORT_LOCAL 1499
#define configUDP_LOGGING_PORT_REMOTE 1500

/* The IP address to which the UDP messages are sent. NOTE: If these settings are omitted then the UDP messages will be sent to the local broadcast address, although broadcast messages can be blocked by switches and routers. */
#define configUDP_LOGGING_ADDR0 192
#define configUDP_LOGGING_ADDR1 168
#define configUDP_LOGGING_ADDR2 0
#define configUDP_LOGGING_ADDR3 3

Logging messages produced by the free RTOS TCP/IP stack
UDP logging output viewed using UDPTerm, from Cinetix
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