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Simple UDP Client and Server Examples
FreeRTOS-Plus-TCP and FreeRTOS-Plus-FAT Examples

Not all demo projects will include this example. If this example is included in a demo project then it may be necessary to set mainCREATE_SIMPLE_UDP_CLIENT_SERVER_TASKS to 1 at the top of the project's main.c source file to include the example in the build.

The example creates two UDP client RTOS tasks and two UDP server RTOS tasks. The clients communicate with the servers. One set of RTOS tasks use the standard sockets interface, and the other RTOS tasks use the zero copy sockets interface.

These RTOS tasks are self checking and will trigger a configASSERT() failure if they detect a difference in the data that is received from that which was sent. As these RTOS tasks use UDP, which can legitimately loose packets, they can cause configASSERT() failures if they are executed in a less than perfect networking environment.

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