porting freeRTOS to pic18f8680

Hello, I’m a beginner. I want to porting freeRTOS to PIC18f8680. The Problem is that the tasks are not called. What could the problem be? Thanks for help. Here my linker script: LIBPATH . FILES c018i.o FILES clib.lib FILES p18f8680.lib CODEPAGE   NAME=vectors    START=0x0            END=0x29           PROTECTED CODEPAGE   NAME=page       START=0x2A           END=0xFFFF CODEPAGE   NAME=idlocs     START=0x200000       END=0x200007       PROTECTED CODEPAGE   NAME=config     START=0x300000       END=0x30000D       PROTECTED CODEPAGE   NAME=devid      START=0x3FFFFE       END=0x3FFFFF       PROTECTED CODEPAGE   NAME=eedata     START=0xF00000       END=0xF003FF       PROTECTED ACCESSBANK NAME=accessram  START=0x0            END=0x5F DATABANK   NAME=BIG_BLOCK  START=0x60           END=0xCFF DATABANK   NAME=sfr13      START=0xD00          END=0xDFF          PROTECTED DATABANK   NAME=sfr14      START=0xE00          END=0xEFF          PROTECTED DATABANK   NAME=sfr15      START=0xF00          END=0xF5F          PROTECTED ACCESSBANK NAME=accesssfr  START=0xF60          END=0xFFF          PROTECTED SECTION    NAME=CONFIG     ROM=config STACK SIZE=0x60 RAM=BIG_BLOCK

porting freeRTOS to pic18f8680

you can Check length of source file path, the length of file full name is must not be more than 32 characters.

porting freeRTOS to pic18f8680

You were right it were more than 32 characters, but i have still the same problem that the tasks are not called…? Further ideas?

porting freeRTOS to pic18f8680

You were right it were more than 32 characters, but i have still the same problem that the tasks are not called…? Further ideas?

porting freeRTOS to pic18f8680

The include file path must be vailed, please check it!

porting freeRTOS to pic18f8680

hi everybody, i would like to port FreeRTOS to pic18 too. But i don’t have much background on RTOS. Is there any document that i can refer to? Thanks.

porting freeRTOS to pic18f8680

If you are using WizC or MPLAB then there is a pic 18 port already.  The issue being getting the linker script correct.  I think WizC will be easier to use. Other than that take a look at the "implementation" pages of the FreeRTOS.org web site.  It gives a lot of information, albeit for an AVR not pic. Regards.