Could I use AT91SAM9 Series ?
Hi everybody,
I am "newbie" in arm9 architechture. I would like to know if FreeRTOS is compatible with AT91SAM9 series. I will use the ATMEL AT91SAM9 development Kit. Could I base my project in SAM7 architechture ?
Best regards.
Could I use AT91SAM9 Series ?
I think the SAM9 peripheral are very similar if not the same as the SAM7. The programmers model of the ARM9 is equivalent to the RTOS as the ARM7. It should I think be easy enough to adapt a SAM7 demo to the SAM9.
Could I use AT91SAM9 Series ?
This question is coming time to time. Although programming models are same for SAM9 and SAM7 series, SAM9 has a armv5t core whereas
SAM7s have armv4t cores. Do you think freeRTOS macro’s will be the same for both?
I have no assembler experience, this is just the first question coming to my mind about a possible SAM9 port.
Could I use AT91SAM9 Series ?
There is already an STR9 port. Compare this to the STR7 port. I dont think many differences. The bus systems are different on the ARM9 but this is not visible to the software.
Could I use AT91SAM9 Series ?
I think to modify the SAM7 FreeRTOS source to SAM9 could be easy if the
Hardware Ports, I/O Devices and registers were well described in the #include files. Problaby hardware abstraction would be got that way. I don´t know FreeRTOS but I think compiling the Kernel is not a problem.
I´ve some doubt if is possible to execute threads in that core. Does Anybory knows ?
Could I use AT91SAM9 Series ?
Yes, I´m agree with you but I don´t know of sure.
I think to modify the SAM7 FreeRTOS source to SAM9 could be easy if the
hardware ports, I/O devices and registers were well described in the #include files. Problaby hardware abstraction would be got that way. I don´t know FreeRTOS but I think compiling the Kernel is not a problem.
I´ve some doubt if is possible to execute threads in that core. Anybody knows about that?