LPC2000 port – FIQ interrupt
Hi all.
I need to have a very critical interrupt.
So, i decided to use FIQ.
In port.c and port macro.h (for IAR compiler) i changed calls to enable_interrupt and disable_interrupt (with calls to other similar assembler functions, which doesn’t disable FIQ flag in cpsr).
I have some questions:
1. when fiq occurs, it can interrupts both application routines and RTOS critical routines. can be a problem??? (i don’t use rtos api inside fiq routine)
2. for licensing: have i to provide my changes in port with our emebedded device? i’m thinking to add in our website two links, one for freertos download page for official version, and one for a zip file which will have modified files. Is it right?
LPC2000 port – FIQ interrupt
> 1. when fiq occurs, it can interrupts both application routines and
> RTOS critical routines. can be a problem??? (i don’t use rtos api
> inside fiq routine)
No problem – so long as you don’t use the API from the FIQ (as you say). This is effectively implementing the configKERNEL_INTERRUPT_PRIORITY feature for the ARM7 -> http://www.freertos.org/a00110.html
>2. for licensing: have i to provide my changes in port with our emebedded
>device? i’m thinking to add in our website two links, one for freertos
>download page for official version,
That’s good.
>and one for a zip file which will
>have modified files. Is it right?
This is quite a common change, which I already have on file should others want to use it, so in this case I don’t think it is necessary to have the .zip file as a download from your site. The code is already "in the community" – but you definitely do the right thing by asking.