FreeRTOS and Yagarto support
I’ve heard that Yagarto is quite useful and stable IDE to work with ARM7TDMI, but I have no experience in using it. I am thinking about using Yagarto to debug/develop software on AT91SAM7X board, but I am not sure yet, how I can achieve that.
- What kind of hardware is needed to connect PC with only USB/PCMCIA connectors to AT91SAM7X256 with JTAG connector?
- Is Yagarto FreeRTOS kernel aware?
- Does Yagarto support all debug/breakpoint/watchpoint features of ARM7TDMI core?
Thank you in advance,
FreeRTOS and Yagarto support
That is very interesting information. I would like to know more about it…
I can even contribute a little: I was able to set breakpoints using OpenOCD, the problem that I got is that if I try to single-step, it goes into some other task or an ISR. That made debugging more difficult :( Is there a solution for this?
Thank for any imput,
FreeRTOS and Yagarto support
Yagarto is just the GCC distribution. The IDE you can download from the same page is standard Eclipse – a very old version at that.
The page linked to above shows the setup but is a little outdated as I tend to use a USB interface now rather than the parallel port interface.