Porting to Olimex LPC-E2468
Hi everyone. I’m need to port the FreeRTOS/uIP webserver demo for the LPC2368 included in the FreeRTOS demo to the Olimex LPC-E2468 board. I’m pretty sure this is not a difficult thing to do and doesn’t require many changes (the webserver demo even uses the same LPC23xx.h header file that some existing demos for my board use) but I just don’t know where to start.
Can anybody point me in the right direction? Do I just need to edit emac.c somewhere? It’s not an uncommon development board; maybe somebody’s done this already?
Thanks a lot for any help!
Porting to Olimex LPC-E2468
Check if the PHY used on the two boards are the same or not. This might be where you have to make some changes.
Porting to Olimex LPC-E2468
Thanks! I’ll check that out.