freertos and 8051
Dear all,
i am new for rtos. I want to use freertos for 8051. after reading 8051 port page on freertos website, i decided to use following tools..
1. freertos
2. eclipse
3. sdcc compiler
Please suggest if eclipse support kernel debugging?
if not then which ide or debugger support the same.
kernel debugging means by me is to see list of rtos objects like semaphore, task, message etc.
freertos and 8051
There is an eclipse kernel debugger for FreeRTOS but I doubt it would work on an 8051. I don’t think there are many 8051 chips that would have enough memory or power for an RTOS.
freertos and 8051
Can you send (or point me to) more information on this Eclipse kernel debugger?
Is it for debugging threads that run on FreeRTOS or for debugging the kernel? My dream is to debug threads like I do in normal Linux ;-)
(I use CortexM3/Jtag/OpenOCD/Eclipse/Gcc)
freertos and 8051
Dear Edwards,
you are right. but there are 8051 processor which are coming with internal flash of around 128 Kb.
will Kernel debugger goes with kernel ? i mean if it works like gdbserver in case of linux.
and please tell how it will send information to host via serial port or by some other mean /
Please clarify how it works .
freertos and 8051
Its not that sophisticated but will show you the status of each task and stack usage etc. Free download