Building FreeRTOS demo project for SAM4E XPlained Pro
I am new to using FreeRTOS and am trying to setup and run the basic blinky demo project for the SAM4E port. I am using the SAM4E XPlained Pro which should be compatible with the SAM4E-EK Port (I think).
Here are the steps I’ve taken so far:
1.) Downloaded FreeRTOSv10.0.1.exe
2.) Opened demo project in: FreeRTOSv10.0.1FreeRTOSDemoCORTEXM4FATSAM4EAtmelStudio
3.) I open main.c and rebuild solution. I get errors because it cannot find the fat_sl.h file. Since I am not using this for the basic blink example I deleted the FreeRTOS+FAT folder and the two related .c files
4.) I can build the project in Debug config but not in release config. In release config I get the following errors
Severity | Description
———- | ———-
Error | FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory
Error | recipe for target ‘src/UDPCommandServer.o’ failed
Error | recipe for target ‘src/UDP-Related-CLI-commands.o’ failed
Error | recipe for target ‘src/TwoEchoClients.o’ failed
Error | recipe for target ‘src/Sample-CLI-commands.o’ failed
Error | FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory
Error | FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory
Error | FreeRTOS.h: No such file or directory
When I run the debug mode there are no blinking lights (right now I am assuming it is due to the difference in eval boards).
I am guessing my toolchain is not setup right to point to the header files that are throwing errors above. My goal right now is to get the basic blink example running and become more familiar with FreeRTOS.
Any help or suggestions as to why the release config won’t build would be appreciated. Maybe I’m missing something more basic. I haven’t moved any files or directories around and have tried deleting and starting from a clean build several times.
I’ve done quite a bit of embedded programming before but am not very familiar with the make files, toolchains, setting up include paths etc.
Building FreeRTOS demo project for SAM4E XPlained Pro
I should ignore the fact that the release build doesn’t build – it
probably shouldn’t be there, and as such, won’t have been configured
with the correct include paths etc. We try to release with just a
single build configuration.
Regarding the debug build – if you can set a break point in the task,
and the break point gets hit at the expected times, then you are
probably correct that it is only the mapping to the LED port that is
wrong as you are using a different board.
Building FreeRTOS demo project for SAM4E XPlained Pro
For the FAT file system to work do I need to add files to it? Eventually I might need to use but it was easier just to remove for now.
At least I’m not totally crazy. I’ll work of the debug config for now as I get more familiar with it. Thanks for the quick response!
Building FreeRTOS demo project for SAM4E XPlained Pro
The FAT SL code wasn’t in the V10 release – you could go back to the V9
release to obtain the project with the FAT code, then just copy the V10
source files over the top of the V9 ones.