Converting Sequential Programming to multi-tasking/Event driven using FreeRTOS
Currently, we work on sequential programming using super loop…Most of the task handling is through polling. We don’t have external events like button press/display. we have less high pripority interrupts and occasional external events that are now handled through polling.. Considering Future enhancemants and task response timing, like to convert Sequential Programming to multi-tasking/Event driven using FreeRTOS.. Please provide available options to convert Sequential Programming to multi-tasking/Event driven. Thanks in advance…
Converting Sequential Programming to multi-tasking/Event driven using FreeRTOS
This is an extremely open question, so can only really suggest you read
the book
In very general terms, you can architect your system to be event driven,
rather than polling. Rather than have the executing code poll for an
input, have a task wait in the Blocked state (so not using any CPU and
potentially saving power) until the event occurs – the event handler
unblocking the task taht is waiting for it.