Porting FreeRTOS+TCP SAM4E demo project to SAME54 project
Hello all,
At the moment we have an Atmel SAME54 XPlained Pro board on which we want to run FreeRTOS+TCP.
I know there is a FreeRTOS+TCP demo project for the SAM4E.
Do I have to create a new FreeRTOS port for our board, because its populated with a different microcontroller?
Any help I will appreciate.
Porting FreeRTOS+TCP SAM4E demo project to SAME54 project
Hi Max,
I haven’t looked at the difference between a SAM4E and a SAM7E at the one hand and SAME54 at the other.
I will attach the latest Atmel driver, which works for both SAM4E and SAM7E.
It would be nice if the existing driver can be adapted to include the SAME54.
If the MAC peripherals are too different, which I do not think, it might be better to fork the driver.
You can ask all questions here on the forum, or if you like write me directly ( hein [at] htibosch [point] net )