STR91x IAR SK Board
Got an IAR STR912 board, and tried to use the STR91 port which is for the ST board, but no luck.
I changed GPIO for leds task (it works without the RTOS), commented out all but the led flash task, and still nothing happnds. The kernel is looping in Abort_Handler(). What am I missing?
STR91x IAR SK Board
Are you using the startup files that came with the FreeRTOS demo, or the files that came with the IAR tools? Can you check that the startup files call main() from Supervisor mode.
STR91x IAR SK Board
Thanks a lot. This was it. I am using IAR KS ver 5.0, so I had some copatbily problems with the original file.
Her ius the needed change:
; — Now change to USR/SYS mode and set up User mode stack,
; Original IAR:
; MSR CPSR_c, #Mode_SYS ; IRQs & FIQs are now enabled
MSR CPSR_c, #Mode_SVC|I_Bit|F_Bit ; FreeRTOS – start with SVC mode
; — Now enter the C code
B ?main ; Note : use B not BL, because an application will
; never return this way