Portmacro.h compile error in 9.0.0
I just switched over my code from 8.0.0 (compiled OK) to 9.0.0, where I am getting an error that I don’t understand from the line number it’s reporting.
I am using the ARM_CM3 version of portmacro.h in IAR EWARM. The compile error says this:
Error[Pe018]: expected a “)” C:UsersgrrDocumentsIAR Embedded WorkbenchFreeRTOSv9.0.0FreeRTOSSourceportableIARARM_CM3portmacro.h 144
I don’t see anything wrong with that line, and the corresponding define in the FreeRTOS config looks OK, and it is compiling with 8.0.0.
Thanks for the assistance…
Portmacro.h compile error in 9.0.0
Line 144 is:
#if( configMAX_PRIORITIES > 32 )so I’m going to guess the problem is with the definition of configMAX_PRIORITIES in your FreeRTOSConfig.h file. Ensure configMAX_PRIORITIES is just a number, without any casts.
Portmacro.h compile error in 9.0.0
Removing the cast fixed it. Worked Ok in 8.0.0. Thanks for your help !
.#define configMAXPRIORITIES ( ( unsigned portBASETYPE ) 5 )