SmartFusion 2 FreeRTOS Softconsole 4.0 Demo
As of Softconsole 4.0 the project structure generated is different than that of the previous versions of Softconsole.
I have attempted to include FreeRTOS in a blank new project, including the necessary directories, and subdirectories, and including the header configuration file, but yet I still get an undefined reference compile error when I call the vTastStartScheduler() function.
Is there any Softconsole specific project configuration required? Does the batch file included with the demo project serve some particular additional purpose? Yes, I have not run the batch file. If there is a need to run it, explain why it is necessary in particular.
It feels FreeRTOS specific as I have other library files included in the directory, and I can call them perfectly, included in the same way as FreeRTOS source files.
SmartFusion 2 FreeRTOS Softconsole 4.0 Demo
From memory I think SoftConsole is Eclipsed based, is that correct?
If so…
Eclipse, especially old versions of Eclipse, were very unfriendly in
regards to how you could organise your source files. Old FreeRTOS
projects, which used old versions of Eclipse, used to have a batch file
to copy all the source files into the Eclipse project directory as a
crude way of simplifying a managed build. Newer versions of Eclipse
have some ‘workarounds’ for this which, provided you don’t mind doing a
little dance to set up your project (see
allow the crude use of relative paths – and this is what newer FreeRTOS
projects do instead of using the batch file.
The following link might help you set up a new project, as will viewing
the batch file used by the old SoftConsole project to see which files it
is actually copying (and therefore which files are needed).
Of course, if you had posted the output of the compiler, so I could see
which symbols were undefined, I might have been able to answer your
question immediately.