+TCP UDP multi-cast support
I see little to nothing mentioned about multi-cast capability.
I am only interested in receiving multi-cast messages – not replying to them and not transmitting them.
In my ENET driver I set a multi-cast filter to help weed out unwanted messages. I know the range of multi-cast IP addresses I’m interested in … so Can I do the following within the current stack or will some changes be required.
I currently filter messages in the driver and call eConsiderFrameForProcessing() within the driver to decide if I pass the message on to the stack or discard it early.
The task looking for these multi-cast messdages is receiving them via a call to FreeRTOSrecvfrom() with the FREERTOSZERO_COPY flag set. The socket used is UDP with NO IP address set – only a PORT.
If I detect one of my multi-cast IP messages, will eConsiderFrameForProcessing() say it’s not wanted? If so, can I bypass that “false” detection?
Thanks for any reply.
+TCP UDP multi-cast support
There is little direct support for multi-cast over and above
LLMNR/NETBIOS at the moment, but there was a longish thread recently
about how multicast functionality can be achieved with the correct
filtering configuration and a little magic in the driver – but it
doesn’t seem to be in the support forum so must have been in a email
thread I was copied on. Hein will be able to provide a informed response.
+TCP UDP multi-cast support
Indeed there is no explicit support for multi-cast (except for LLMNR and LinkLayer Auto-IP).
The reception of multi-cast packets is perfectly possible if you:
● define
as 1 to stop the IP-task from filtering packets
● program the EMAC peripheral to allow for multi-cast IP addresses, this often uses a hash table
● create an ordinary UDP socket and bind it to the target port number
Suppose you want to serve these two end-points:
~~~~ port 5000 port 5000
The IP-task will forward all multi-cast packets to a UDP socket bound to port 5000. Just like normal UDP traffic you can receive the messages by calling:
int32t FreeRTOSrecvfrom(
Sockett xSocket,
void *pvBuffer,
sizet xBufferLength,
BaseTypet xFlags,
struct freertossockaddr *pxSourceAddress,
socklen_t *pxSourceAddressLength )
When receiving a UDP packet, you get to know the source IP-address and source port number. What you do not know is the destination address (x.x.x.37/x.x.x.38 in this example)
But :
In an email you asked:
I saw that there are some advanced callback features in the stack. Any of those do what I’m looking for?For your UDP application
might be useful.
You’ll find an example in NTPDemo.c
#if( ipconfigUSE_CALLBACKS != 0 )
memset( &xHandler, ' ', sizeof ( xHandler ) );
xHandler.pxOnUDPReceive = xOnUDPReceive;
FreeRTOS_setsockopt( xUDPSocket, 0, FREERTOS_SO_UDP_RECV_HANDLER, ( void * ) &xHandler, sizeof( xHandler ) );
You also get to see the destination address in pxDest
static BaseType_t xOnUDPReceive( Socket_t xSocket, void * pvData, size_t xLength,
const struct freertos_sockaddr *pxFrom, const struct freertos_sockaddr *pxDest )
/* When returning non-zero, the packet data will be released.
When returning zero, the packet data can still be received in a
call to FreeRTOS_recvfrom(). */
return 1;
The driver will pass both addresses: pxFrom
and pxDest
We called the call-back mechanisms “advanced” because they must be handled with care. Be aware that the function is called from the IP-task, which has its own high priority and its own small stack. It is not wise to do a blocking call from within a call-back. Also the use of +TCP API’s is very limited.
Conclusion: it is very well possible to receive multi-cast traffic. When using FREERTOS_SO_UDP_RECV_HANDLER
it is possible to see both source and destination address of each incoming packet.
Replying to multi-cast messages is only possible with normal UDP, i.e. from the local IP address