Delete task but local variables (objects) are not correctly deleted with the destructor

I realized that the destructors of the objects that I create locally within a task are not called when the task is eliminated. I think this happens because the function of the task does not exit properly from its scope, and therefore the destructors of local objects are not called. How can I solve this problem? main.cpp ~~~ class MyClass { public: MyClass() { buffer = (char*)malloc(5); }
char* buffer;

//It is never called
    delete buffer;
}; static void MyTask(void *pvParameters) { MyClass my_class = MyClass();
//Delete this task
} ~~~

Delete task but local variables (objects) are not correctly deleted with the destructor

Sorry duplicate post In any case, are there no other solutions?

Delete task but local variables (objects) are not correctly deleted with the destructor

Just call vTaskDelete() at the very end of your destructor(s). See the very good C++ wrappers by Richard here

Delete task but local variables (objects) are not correctly deleted with the destructor

You need to make all the resources be cleaned up before you call the vTaskDelete function. My wrapper functions that HS2 pointed to will (if vTaskDelete is enabled) delete the task when then task function returns. An alternative is to change you code to be like: ~~~ static void MyTask(void *pvParameters) { { MyClass my_class = MyClass(); } //Delete this task vTaskDelete(NULL); } ~~~ Adding a scope within which the instance is created, and thus destroyed on exiting, before the delete is called

Delete task but local variables (objects) are not correctly deleted with the destructor

thank you, I will use this solution =)