MPLAB SIM Error with FreeRTOS PIC24 Port
Hi all,
I am having a problem with the port for the PIC24 running under MPLAB. I have got the FreeRTOS downloaded and expanded. I then go to the PIC24_MPLAB directory and bring up the RTOSDemo_PIC24 project and build it. The build goes fine. When I set a breakpoint at the vTaskStartScheduler(); I can run to this line, but when I try to step over or run, I get the following error:
CORE-E0004: Trap due to unimplemented FLASH memory access, occurred from instruction at 0x001d08
Any clues as to what I need to do?
I have also verified this in the dsPIC demo.
I am running the free version of the C30 compiler.
Thanks in advance.
MPLAB SIM Error with FreeRTOS PIC24 Port
This just in simulator or on Explorer 16?
MPLAB SIM Error with FreeRTOS PIC24 Port
This occurs in the simulator. I don’t have an Explorer 16 board. I have developed my own prototype board, and am trying to establish a base port that work in the simulator and then modify this to accommodate my prototype board. However, I can’t get the base port "right out of the box" to run in the simulator. I am not sure if I am missing a setting, or if it is the free C30 compiler that is causing me problems.
Thanks in advance,