Need a port to MSP430F5438
Need a port to MSP430F5438
Need a port to MSP430F5438
MSP430F5xx’s architecture have a little differences from previous versions. So the current 430 port is little help.
Need a port to MSP430F5438
I have a port.c and portmacro.h for the MSP430X 20-bit mode, using the TI CCE 3 compiler. I did some testing on it using the TI ‘F5438 eval board but no guarantees it is reliable. You are welcome to the code as a starting point if interested.
FYI it isn’t GCC compatible. The stack parameters for calls is different in CCE. I’m not aware of a GCC that fully supports 20-bit addressing for the MSP430X.
I don’t have a place to make the code available to the web, but if someone volunteers to host it I can send it by email attachment.
Need a port to MSP430F5438
If you need a host for some posts, you can try
I’m interested in your code, can you send it to me? My email address. Thanks for you help.^^
Need a port to MSP430F5438
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Need a port to MSP430F5438
Thank your all , and merry Christmas!