FreeRTOS 10.0.0 Problem: vTaskList is truncating information about the calling task
I am using vTaskList to minitor reaming stat for each task.
Under version 9.0.0 all of the tasks information is being returned, but under 10,0.0 the calling task information is being truncated and the is combuned with the next task in the list.
Version 9.0.0
Name Status Pri Free No.
—- —— — —- —
Diag R 2 403 3
IDLE R 0 108 10
Tmr Svc B 4 191 11
Led B 2 36 2
MB/TCPAcpt B 2 218 7
TCP/IP Stack B 2 596 1
RS4852 S 2 474 6
CC S 2 463 8
Qsec S 2 191 9
RS4850 S 2 474 4
RS4851 S 2 474 5
Version 10.0.0
Name Status Pri Free No.
—- —— — —- —
Diag IDLE R 0 108 10
Tmr Svc B 4 191 11
Led B 2 36 2
MB/TCPAcpt B 2 218 7
TCP/IP Stack B 2 596 1
RS4852 S 2 474 6
CC S 2 463 8
Qsec S 2 191 9
RS4850 S 2 474 4
RS4851 S 2 474 5
After I investigated the problem I discovered that version 9.0.0 returns a “eReady” value for the tasks “eCurrentState” where version 10.0.0 returnes a “eRunning” value.
The switch statement in vTaskList does not have a case statement for “eRunning” and thus falls into the default case and “cStatus” gets set to a null character ‘