Rel 5.1.2 –Compile error on Cortex STM32F103

Compiling the downloaded files without any changes and am getting the error when compiling lcd.c: TIM_OCInitStructure.TIM_OutputState = TIM_OutputState_Enable; TIM_OutputState is not a member of TIM_OCInitStructure I see some reference to this in RTOSDemo.standard.xml file How do we look at the structure in plain readable format? Or am I missing something during the file extraction process? Thanks

Rel 5.1.2 –Compile error on Cortex STM32F103

Are you using the STM32 primer project?  If so then FreeRTOS V5.1.2 updated the project to use the latest Ride tools which have different and incompatible header files with the old tools. Are you using Ride? Regards.

Rel 5.1.2 –Compile error on Cortex STM32F103

Yes – the version is Ride 7 IDE  (7.00.0002) Thanks