eTaskGetState breaks at link stage
Using IAR EWARM 6.7.2, on Cortex M3 processor. Version 7.5.x worked fine, I did not previously use the function eTaskGetState.
After installing v8.0.0, I added a call to eTaskGetState. I then updated my FreeRTOSConfig.h file to set:
eTaskGetState breaks at link stage
The function is prefixed ‘task’ so is defined in tasks.c. If you search for eTaskGetState in tasks.c you will find it defined around line 935, and also see it is guarded with the INCLUDE_eTaskGetState preprocessor macro (with the underscore), as is also noted in the API documentation. if you are building that file and you have the preprocessor macro defined then the linker should not have a problem.
eTaskGetState breaks at link stage
aye…found the problem. I was missing the “” in the define. Had “INCLUDEeTaskGetState”,
not “INCLUDEeTaskGetState”
eyes wide shut…. 8–]