maximum number of Mutex
Hi all,
I’m sorry for this trivial question. I am using STM32f407 with STM32 standard peripheral drivers and Keil as development environment.I am currently having a weird problem related to mutex.
I am working based on FreeRTOS and LwIP project provided by ST in
At first I didn’t have any problem, but when I need to add mutexes I found a problem where it seems like there are limit to number of mutex that I can create.
I simply create a mutex, both recursive (xSemaphoreCreateRecursiveMutex)and not(xSemaphoreCreateMutex), and when the number of mutex created is more than a certain number, my code behaves unexpectedly although the mutex is not used anywhere yet. But when I deleted the creation line of one of the mutexes, my code works well. So if I want to make a new mutex after I reach mutex threshold number, I have to delete another mutex, and I conclude that there is a maximum number of mutex that I can create, although I am not sure yet.
I have researched for similar case like mine but can’t seem to find one on the internet. If anyone here can confirm about this problem I would really appreciate it. And I wonder what is the physical resource on STM32F/cortex m-4 that is used when a mutex is created?
maximum number of Mutex
Sounds like you are running out of heap memory to create the mutexs. Are you checking the handle to make sure it isn’t zero? There is a hook you can define to call a function when you get a heap allocation error which is good for debugging.
maximum number of Mutex
You are right! This is the answer that I’ve been looking for. I failed to recognize the fact that RTOS kernel allocates RAM each time a task, queue, mutex, software timer or semaphore is created.
I simply had to increase the configTOTALHEAPSIZE to solve this problem.