FreeRTOS on Microsemi SmartFusion not working

I intent to make a minimum FreeRTOS project, with one task only, running on a Microsemi SmartFusion A2F evaluation kit. I am using the Microsemi Libero SoC development tool with SoftConsole. I download the FreeRTOS 8.2.0, and unfold the demo application: FreeRTOS/Demo/CORTEXA2F200SoftConsole and copies the essetial files to my project for a minimum FreeRTOS system. The whole thing compiles fine. But when run, execution passes xTaskCreate (a simple task created) and enters vTaskStartScheduler() whereafter nothing happens. Neither the idleTask nor the single task created is running. I assume thate the FreeRTOSconfig.h file is set correct as the demo project is meant for running on exact my target. Anyone having a good idea ?

FreeRTOS on Microsemi SmartFusion not working

Note point 1 regarding installing interrupt handlers on the following FAQ page – have you done that? Regards.