What about switching the freertos sourcecode to github? github is way more modern than sourceforge and I think it could improve the development of this wonderful RTOS.
Moreover the svn service at sourceforge is down since 2 days or so, and we are not able to build our projects based on freertos with our CI System at the moment. That’s really annoying, as it happens quite often.
At least an official mirror of the freertos code at github would help a lot!
Btw: Its really easy to migrate to github:
Github even supports SVN, if you prefer to use SVN. All github repos can also be checked out with svn.
It’s huge;)
Thanks for letting us know Franz. I do use github with GIT for my own projects, and it works really great.
the svn service at sourceforge is down since 2 daysI’m not sure what the svn service has to do with FreeRTOS? has chosen to issue releases as ZIP/EXE files. Every release has been prepared, tested, and documented with care. The good thing is that people can refer to a release version, instead of some temporary clone of today’s source code.
Thanks for your answer!
I will explain it to you if you want. For our projects we have a Continous Integration System installed. It automatically builds our microcontroller project from different sources every night. This way we always have a testing version, which we can use for our tests. Freertos will also get checked out automatically from the official svn repo, which is hosted at sourceforge (unfortunately).
Sure we could download the sources and make our own repo at our servers, but why should we do that? I assumed, that sourceforge is a reliable source code hoster, so that it’s not necessary to host the sources at our own servers, and by the way I don’t want to care about reintegrating the official freertos upstream into our own repos.
I hope now it is a little clearer, what I meant with “the svn service at sourceforge is down since 2 days”.
That explains why I couldn’t check files yesterday…..SourceForge does
seem to be becoming more unreliable.
The SVN service is used as the main “official” repository for FreeRTOS.