Looking for FreeRTOS API regarding Events – signaling all tasks that are waiting for an event

Hi, I was lookingat at the FreeRTOS API for Events and I am trying to figure out what function call I would make, to signal all tasks that are waiting for an event? As in to wake up the tasks? Any help of course is greatly appreciated! Thanks!!

Looking for FreeRTOS API regarding Events – signaling all tasks that are waiting for an event

xEventGroupSetBit()s / xEventGroupSetBitsFromISR() will set the specified bits in EventGroup, and wake up every task waiting on those specfied bits in that EventGroup. Of course only the highest priority might start up immediately, but all of them will be cleared from their xEventGroupWaitBits() call, and will eventually run, even if after that point those bits get cleared.

Looking for FreeRTOS API regarding Events – signaling all tasks that are waiting for an event

Thank you!! That helped greatly!