CPU usage ?
have freertos cpuusage for
1.max cpuusage
2. each rack cpuusage ?
3. stack address of each task to check normally
stack usage in run-time
and also i see freertos use write one const value in stack before use it
is nice
better if add function to chk change if this const value in run-time and report it
i agree is get some CPU usage but in optional run
and then report in debug time
CPU usage ?
1) Depends on port, CPU MHz, compiler and tick frequency.
2) ?
3) Take a look at the function usTaskCheckFreeStackSpace() defined in task.c.
CPU usage ?
seems i dont true speak about my qustion …
1)some os have one function see what present od cpu usage (max , avrage)
have you plan add to it to freertos ?
CPU usage ?
If you see UCOS II rtos source or ebook,It uses idle task hook function to calculate CPU usage for all tacks,
The method is:
In every one second ,calculate the time that you are in idle task ,so you can calculate persentage of idle time in each second and obtain cpu usage by subtacting it from 100%.
CPU Usage = ((1000msec – (idle time in msec))/1000)*100)