NOTE:This is a read only archive of threads posted to the FreeRTOS support forum. Use these archive pages to search previous posts. New forum support threads can be started at the FreeRTOS forums.
FreeRTOS Support Archive
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This is a read only archive of threads posted to the FreeRTOS support forum. Use these archive pages to search previous posts. New forum support threads can be started at the FreeRTOS forums.
Does anyone have a port of the HC12 over to the NE64 processor? It would be very useful with the UIP stack since it is a one chip ethernet machine with built in PHY.
I think it would be easy enough, as far as converting the minimal HCS12/CodeWarrior demo, or my pending HCS12/GCC port.
The thing is, none of these would enable special hardware (i.e. the ethernet stuff). I agree it would be great to get the port working just like the other IP demos.
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