portENTER_CRITICAL() —— vTaskSuspendAll()
what happens if I change all "portENTER_CRITICAL()" to "vTaskSupendAll()"??
will this be a risk?
the problem is that I don’t want to block that many interrupts.
portENTER_CRITICAL() —— vTaskSuspendAll()
I think you could change some, but not all. The ones in QueueSend and QueueReceive have quite a specific interaction with TaskSuspendAll for example. Also task delete I think would not work. Basically each would have to be looked at in turn. It would not necessarily improve efficiency though. For very short critical sections the enter/exit critical are preferable.
portENTER_CRITICAL() —— vTaskSuspendAll()
You cannot yield from within a vTaskSupsendAll() vTaskResumeAll() pair. When you do this the yield is pended until the vTaskResumeAll() call.
portENTER_CRITICAL() —— vTaskSuspendAll()
ok than I think that I will only use it for my functions.
thanks for the fast response!