after porting simple task which turn on led doesn’t work.

Hi, I had just ported FreeRTOS to CC2538 (cortex-M3). and i had created one task and start the tasksheduler. but it doesn’t work. i mean it doesn’t trun on led. when i was debugging, i reallized one thing. program went to infinite for loop configASSERT( ( ( uxPriority & ( UBaseTypet ) ( ~portPRIVILEGEBIT ) ) < ( UBaseTypet ) configMAXPRIORITIES ) ); it is in xTaskGenericCreate function. i configured configMAX_PRIORITIES 8, because there are 8 priorites in cortex M3 and CC2538. i didnt define portPRIVILEGE_BIT, because im not using MPU ~~~~ int main(void) {
  TaskHandle_t xHandle;

  SysCtrlClockSet(false, false, SYS_CTRL_SYSDIV_32MHZ);



return 0;
} ~~~~ ~~~~ void vTaskLedToggle(void *pvParameters ){

} ~~~~ it could be weird, vTaskLedToggle is just turn on the led. where is the problem ? Regrads.

after porting simple task which turn on led doesn’t work.

Something doesnt add up. The assert tells you you have tried to create a task at a priority higher than the configMAXPRIORITIES setting but the post shows a task being created with priority 5 and you say configMAXPRIORITIES is 8.
because there are 8 priorites in cortex M3 and CC2538.
How did you figure that? You must be confusing tasks and interrupts.