FreeRTOSSourceeventgroups.c(156) : Error[Pe136]: struct “xEventGroupDefinition” has no field “ucStaticallyAllocated” FreeRTOSSourceeventgroups.c(160) : Error[Pe136]: struct “xEventGroupDefinition” has no field “ucStaticallyAllocated” FreeRTOSSourceevent_groups.c(608) : Error[Pe136]: struct “xEventGroupDefinition” has no field “ucStaticallyAllocated”
event_groups vs configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION
event_groups vs configSUPPORT_STATIC_ALLOCATION
I’m glad to see you are using the SVN head revision, and thanks for the feedback. A version that builds with the configSUPPORTSTATICALLOCATION setting to 0 has just been checked in – which also includes a little more documentation of the new ‘static’ macros – although they are not all documented yet.